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Welcome to the CodeCats NFT Project!

The CodeCats NFT Project is a decentralized, open-source project that aims to demonstrate how to develope and launch your own NFT Collection. Follow step by step on the codeSTACKr YouTube channel.

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Pre-Sale Countdown

NFT Drop Coming Soon!!

A new batch of cute cats will be available very soon!

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Who is Dave McClane?

Dave McClane

Dave McClane is a fictional cartoon character who made his debut in 2007 as the mascot for Dave McClane Clothing. In addition to the clothing brand, Dave McClane was featured on the Dave McClane Comic Page, where he embarked upon several random ass adventures.

Dave McClane is typically featured with an afro, hair pick, and wearing black Chuck Taylors. Dave embodies the notion of a Los Angeles inner-city youth and a product of his upbringing. He is traditionally characterized as excessively overanalytical almost to a fault. As a result, he is very insightful and is quite frankly a damn “nerd.”

Some of Dave’s hobbies are riding and fixing mini-bikes, raising pigeons, flipping, playing pickleball, and coming up with all sorts of contraptions.

Road Map

The Original Dave McClane collection consist of 5000 unique NFTs on the Polygon network, 2000 of which can be minted here on Alternatively, users can mint directly on Polygon scan by accessing the contract.

In addition to users having the ability to mint their own NFT, random NFTs will be released on the marketplace as part of giveaways and prizes.

Dave McClane V2

As we continue to learn and explore the endless possibilities of what blockchain technology can offer, we look forward to implementing a V2 that will provide benefits and perks to all original NFT holders. With that being said, be sure to possess an NFT from The Original Dave McClane in your NFT collection.